Catch-all Phrase

Question regarding March 26, 2024 post entitled Drawing Forth Good Information from Them

Questioner: I assume it’s most helpful to write the desired outcome on paper. But is there a ‘catch-all’ outcome that would be a desired outcome for our highest good, in case we forget an important aspect that would fit with our preferred feelings?

I ask because often I have written desired aspects and then there’s one that gets left out, I never would have known to ask out of context. 

Higgins: It is very helpful to choose an overall phrase, yes. One might say, “Overall, I want to have a pleasant experience surrounding my purchase of a new washing machine.”

Another helpful tip is to make an overall statement for your life. The entity uses, “I look forward to an agreeable future.”

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Higg(in)s: Drawing Forth Good Information

Higg(in)s is giving us some tips on drawing forth better, clearer responses from them, or from your personal Spirit Guides/Guardian Angels. It is a simple technique and they say it is the most powerful and effective of the tools they have given us so far.

Whatever it is that you are planning next whether an interaction with Higg(in)s, a telephone call, car repair, or vacation clarify first in your mind what your desired OUTCOME is then go forward with confidence into your interaction.

An example:

You need a new washing machine. Your desired outcome list may contain the following.

  • I need a new washing machine.
  • I want a washing machine that is high quality and cleans my clothes well.
  • It should use only enough water to clean my clothes thoroughly.
  • It should also be light on energy use and economical to run.
  • I would like it to be attractive and fit well in the space available.
  • The installers should be pleasant and competent.
  • I would appreciate that they arrive on time and are respectful of my home.
  • I would also appreciate a swift and efficient yet workmanlike job on the installation.
  • I would like my interaction with them to be a pleasant experience for me and for them.
  • I would like the price to be very reasonable.
  • I would like the product to perform even better than expected.

If you set your intentions this way for every aspect of your life you will notice a remarkable serendipity begin to permeate your life and we are certain you will find it very agreeable.

Moreover, the more advance notice you give the better the outcome. If you know months in advance rather than days or minutes in advance, the Universe has more time to orchestrate a desirable response.

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Repost from The Universe Talks

Love even more. Everything else is resistance.

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A Message from Higg(in)s

From Higg(in)s: Your happiness is important. It is worth the effort it takes to keep a positive attitude. Over time it will take less effort to keep a positive attitude because you will draw more pleasing life events that are easy to have positive thoughts about.

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Is Protesting a Peaceful Resolution?

Q: Is protesting a form of peaceful resolution?

H: Generally, protesting is not an effective form of peaceful resolution. It is a form of resistance and resistance is never effective in creating what you want. Resistance creates more of what you do not want. When you find yourself wanting to protest a thing, we encourage you to take a moment to visualize what the opposite of the current situation is. Then we encourage you to take action towards that. Taking positive forward action is preferable to resistance.

Q: That takes us all the way back to our question of some days ago. How do we achieve World Peace?

H: You will achieve world peace by uplifting one person at a time into wanting to, and having the opportunity to, express their best self.

Q: Anything I do seems so small. World Peace will take ages and many people will die before what I can think up to do will have effect.

H: With an attitude like that, yes it will take a long time. Friend, do what brings you joy and eager anticipation and a feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction. Bring peace into your heart, into your home, into your neighborhood. That is the most effective way to stimulate peace in the world.

Q: I feel as though you are saying that I cannot do anything to stop the war in Ukraine or help in Israel and Gaza.

H: You cannot say, “Stop!” and have conflict stop. No matter how loudly you yell at others to stop you are only creating more conflict. You must recognize that shouting at others to stop what they are doing is conflict in and of itself?

You be peace. You find others like yourself (and there are MANY) who wish for peace. You all begin thinking positively about peace and what peace looks like. The collective conscious will shift towards these peaceful ideas when enough people join in the positive thought process. It will not come before that. The harder you yell, “Stop!” the longer peace will take to arrive.

Begin yelling things such as, “Come work with me! Come create with me! You will love this work! You will love working in this unique environment that is conducive to a satisfying home life! You will leave work every day feeling fulfilled and uplifted! Come!”

Q: I think I am beginning to understand what you mean. I can be of help to no one until I am solid in myself. Then I am an uplifter of others. Not uplifting them because they are not capable of uplifting themselves, but uplifter meaning offering avenues for others to achieve their dreams. For example, I had lunch at the Clay Pit in Mill Creek yesterday. Every person working there, every person who had a hand in growing the food we ate, the delivery drivers, the people who built the building…. All these people had the opportunity to chase their dream because I ate lunch out. Is that sort of what you mean?

H: Yes. You do you in such a way that you inspire others to be their best self, too. That is the best avenue to peace.

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Developing World Peace

H: World Peace is achieved by you yourself exhibiting peace and employing peaceful resolutions. The goal is the upliftment of every person into being what they want to be. Notably, peace is not uplifting people into being what you want them to be.

Q: What if the person’s goal is to be a rich and powerful drug dealer or some other goal that is detrimental to others?

H: It is the goal of many to be rich and to feel powerful. These are wonderful things. In your what-if scenario, being a successful drug dealer is simply one way for them to achieve their goal of having plenty of money to live a nice life and to feel powerful. Your part in this is not to stop them from dealing drugs but instead to create an expansive world where everyone thrives in ways that do not cause harm for others.

Our point here is to understand that you cannot stop things from happening. Your goal is to create avenues to achieving the same goals in ways that contribute to the welfare of society, avenues that are more enticing than their current options.

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Higg(in)s Presses Forward on World Peace Using Fractals

Higg(in)s has presented an exercise for us to help bring peace into our own lives. This will stimulate what they are calling the Fractal Effect. Fractals can be loosely defined as repeating patterns. What they are encouraging us to do is think and act peacefully so that our thoughts and actions stimulate peaceful fractal patterns that repeat out into the world around us.

The following is a recent list of positive attributes we all might like to see in the world around us. Higg(in)s encourages a daily review of each item on the list for how you have experienced each one in your life.

  1. Happiness–How did you experience happiness today?
  2. Abundant love–How did you experience abundant love today?
  3. All endangered animals and all species to have healthy ecosystems–What did you see today exemplifying the nurturing of our environment?
  4. Safe home for everyone–How did you personally experience a safe home today?
  5. Heart to heart conversation and connection among humanity–How did you listen to another person today and understand their point of view even if their ideas differ from yours?

Then Higg(in)s askes us to answer two more questions:

  1. What do I appreciate about myself today?
  2. What do I appreciate about someone else today?

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Another Interaction with Higgins

January 26, 2024:

Now that I understand what Higg(in)s is doing when they move my head the way they do, I’ve been sitting with Higg(in)s daily trying get that third eye to open more readily. This morning, I saw a pinpoint flash of brilliant red, then a flame of white, followed by 3 pinpoint emerald green lights. I waited to see what would happen next and an eye appeared in the field but strangely, it was not me looking out but instead something else looking in at me! After that, my third eye opened fully to the edge of my field of vision. There was I, at least my sense of “I”, teetering on the brink of space. It was like those movies where the characters are in their spaceship looking out the window into the vast darkness, illuminated only by a zillion stars. The difference was that for me, there was no window and I wondered what would happen if I fell out? The experience was profound and somewhat intimidating.

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The Third Eye from the Inside

This morning as I sat with Higg(in)s and they flossed behind my eyes yet again, and I witnessed the opening of my third eye yet again, I thought it might be entertaining to share with you what it is like to have this happen. It may happen differently for different people, of course. For me, the eye appears rather suddenly. Even though I am beginning to expect it to appear, it doesn’t always happen. When it does open, it opens as an eye. It is not metaphorical.

When the eye opens a pinpoint of not exactly light, but lighter dark gray, opens in a field of blackish. Imagine it this way: Your eyes are closed, and you are ‘viewing’ whatever field of blackish you ‘see’ with your eyes closed. Now imagine that in the center of that blackish field a pinpoint of lighter color opens in a circular shape and that circle is then encircled by a striated circle. This combination looks exactly like the pupil and iris of one’s eye, but you are looking at it from the inside out. Next, imagine the iris of this circle dilating until the pupil fills your entire field of vision and the ‘iris’ encircles it at the very edge of your sight. This is what happens when my third eye opens.

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Ongoing Connecting

Since yesterday morning (January 22, 2024) was so successful in my connection with Higg(in)s I sat down again this morning with hopes of an even better connection. Today’s encounter was not the same in result but still intense and immensely interesting, at least to me.

They moved my head back and forth along the line between my temples and behind my eyes. The intense pressure in my third eye never developed, but the field of vision in my third eye did open, although not as dramatically as yesterday. What was so interesting today was the intensity of the tingling sensation that comes with them. It was nearly as intense as the first time they visited me back in 2005. In fact, when they let me go I was extraordinarily drowsy and it took several minutes to come “out of it”.

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